Imperfectly Wonderful Counseling

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Did You Know Anxiety is Perfectly Normal?

This post discusses what anxiety is and why each one of us experiences it.

Yep, you read that right! Experiencing anxiety is a perfectly normal occurrence. There is no one on this planet who doesn't experience it.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is defined as “a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.”

Basically anxiety is our minds way of telling us all the things that could wrong in a given situation.

Why are We Anxious?

Our anxieties are rooted back to our ancestors the cavemen. Back in the Stone Age, man’s mind was focused on safety first. Cavemen were busy protecting themselves from animals or other tribes that might pose a threat. They were primarily concerned with survival.

Fast forward to modern times and although our minds have evolved, its’ number one job is still to protect us from getting hurt. When we are faced with a dangerous or threatening thought our mind’s first instinct is to warn us of the danger in order to keep us safe and free of pain.

Anxiety is Perfectly Normal

Guess what? All of our minds do this! And they will continue to do this because this is what they were designed to do!

If you are struggling with anxiety I can help you learn skills to live the life you want through acceptance and self compassion.

If you’re in Houston, Texas and looking for a therapist to help manage your anxiety, I’d love to help! You can learn more about me and my approach here. Click the get started button to schedule an appointment.