How to Stop Chasing Perfection

Are you a perfectionist? In this blog post, I am going to talk about one way to stop chasing perfection.

How to Stop Chasing Perfection

The Problem with Perfectionism

Trying to chase perfection holds you back because there is no finish line. Since perfect doesn’t exist you can never achieve it no matter how much you tweak whatever it is you are working on.

For me, perfectionism creeps into my life by way of procrastination. I will hold off doing something because I am afraid it won't be perfect, or because I fear the time it will take in order to make it perfect. So I wait until the last minute. Ultimately, that causes me more stress because I am thinking about the task at hand in the back if mind constantly until it is complete. Inevitably, I spend way more time worrying and thinking about the task when I put it off than I would if I just did it.

Don’t be Stuck Trying to be Perfect

What would your life look like if you put perfectionism in a box on the shelf for the next month or even the rest of the year? What could you accomplish? What would you do if you had the permission to make a mistake?

Done is Better Than Perfect

This has been my motto for the past few years. As a recovering perfectionist, I remind myself that done is better than perfect every day. Perfectionism is constantly running through my head. There are so many things I didn’t want to start because it wouldn’t look like the way someone else does it or the vision in my head. From little things like styling a bookshelf or starting my children’s baby books to big things like starting my own business or writing this blog post.

What do You Have to Lose

And you know what has happened since I stopped chasing perfection? The world hasn’t ended, but rather opened up. I have more time for the things I want to do and less stress about things I don’t even really care about.

If you struggle with perfectionism and related anxiety, contact me to help you start living the life you want.

High Five Design Co

High Five Design Co. by Emily Whitish is a design and digital marketing company in Seattle, WA. I specialize in Website Templates for therapists, counselors, and coaches.

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