Imperfectly Wonderful Counseling

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How to Talk to Kids About War

In this post, I will discuss how you can talk to your children about the war in Ukraine.

Listen to Their Concerns

While your instinct may be to shield your children from what is going on in the world, the better path is to listen, validate and let them know you are here to talk when they want.

Find out what your child already knows. Let your child know that you are glad he is talking about it with you. Ask your child if he is worried about it. Encourage your child to ask you questions.

Validate Their Feelings

Let your child know that it is natural to feel worried, sad, or scared. Share your own feelings about what is happening. Giving your child the chance to have an open conversation about his emotions helps him feel relief.

Reassure Them

Let your child know that there are adults working hard to resolve this conflict. Let him know that it is okay to keep doing the things he loves.

Let Them Help

Helping others is a great way for your child to feel in control during a crisis. Two ways your child can help is by writing letters to military members and their families or having a fundraiser to raise money for aid organizations. Doing positive things for others inspires hope in us all.