5 Signs Your Teen is Struggling with Anxiety

In this post I will discuss some signs that may suggest your teen is anxious and how you can help.

signs of anxiety in teens

Signs of Anxiety in Teens

  1. They overthink EVERYTHING.

  2. They are constantly seeking reassurance and needing validation more than normal.

  3. They are having problems with sleeping or eating.

  4. They have all or nothing thinking or catastrophic thinking.

  5. They become teary, especially when seen in boys.

Ways to Help Your Anxious Teen

The hard truth is that you can’t fix it for your teen. Your job as a parent is to play the supportive role, not be the “fixer.”

Here’s what you can do to help your teen:

  1. Give them space. Don’t push or pressure your teen to talk when they aren’t ready.

  2. Keep yourself busy around the house, but be AVAILABLE when they do come to you. Stop what you are doing. Listen and validate their feelings.

  3. Validate their feelings when they are ready and come to you. Be ready to LISTEN. Instead of offering advice, validate their thoughts. Say something like, “I can see why this is difficult for you” or “this sounds really tough.”

  4. Let go of your expectations.

  5. If your teen needs more than supportive conversation, contact a professional who can teach your teen the skills they need in order to manage the anxiety in their life.

If you’re in Houston, Texas and looking for a therapist for your teen, I’d love to help! You can learn more about me and my approach, click to get started button to schedule an appointment.


Did You Know Anxiety is Perfectly Normal?


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