Dealing with a Dilemma

In this post I will discuss dilemmas and how to handle them.

how to manage a dilemma

What is a dilemma?

A dilemma is a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones. This usually causes one to have anxiety over her choices. It is perfectly normal for the mind to have anxiety about either choice.

First steps in resolving a dilemma

What I like to do when I am faced with a dilemma is take a few minutes (5-10) and think it through with a pen and paper. I make a list of the pros and cons for option A and a list of the pros and cons for option B. I try to get it all out of my mind, so I can unhook myself from the thoughts and can be present in my life. Then I tend to review my list once or twice a day for a few days before I commit to my decision. Again, only spending a few minutes reviewing the pros and cons before refocusing on the present.

Dealing with a dilemma

Here are a few things to remember when you are dealing with a dilemma.

First, there is no easy answer. That’s why it is a dilemma!

Second, there is no way not to choose. You must make a choice. Even not making a choice is a choice.

Third, whatever you choose will come with anxiety and doubt. This is totally normal!

3 action steps to move forward from the dilemma

  1. Acknowledge your choice for the day.

  2. Live by your values.

  3. Write pros and cons of both choices, and review regularly to see if one becomes better or clearer to you.

Dilemmas can be tough, and it is normal to experience anxiety when faced with a decision. Try out the steps listed above and see if they help!


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