The Overwhelmed Mother and Ways to Cope

In this post, I will discuss ways you can cope with the feeling of overwhelm that often accompanies motherhood.

the overwhelmed mother and ways to cope

When was the last time you felt overwhelmed? Last week, the other day or earlier this morning? Feeling overwhelmed as a mom seems to be part of life these days. Overwhelm can hit you any time and in any situation.

Some triggers for maternal overwhelm include: Trying to do it all, lack of self-care, parenting pressures, financial stressors, isolation, abundance of emotions at once and relationship difficulties.

Can you relate?

Overwhelm can feel suffocating. It can feel like everything is spiraling out of control and nothing you can do will help you regain that control.

You’ve got this.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to cope and feel grounded again.


One of the easiest ways you can regain control is simply by breathing. Take a moment to breathe in slowly through your nose for 4 seconds. Hold the air in your lungs for 4 seconds. Breathe out slowly through your mouth for 6 seconds. Repeat for at least 2 minutes. The great thing about focusing on your breath is you can do it anywhere at anytime.


Movement is another thing you can control, so take action. Sometimes you just need to step away from whatever it is that is triggering the sense of overwhelm. Go for a walk if you can. Leave the room to remove yourself from a triggering situation for a few minutes. Or if you can’t leave a situation, do some neck and shoulder rolls or a quick stretch.


Take a minute to jot down a few things that you are grateful for, write down all the things you HAVE accomplished that day or vent about what is on your mind.


Call a friend, parent or sibling that can be your sounding board and will help you calm down. Schedule an appointment with a therapist trained to give you skills that you can draw from daily to manage the stressful moments of motherhood.

Contact me today if you are interested in working together on decreasing the feelings of overwhelm you have in your life. I can help you become the mother you desire to be.

High Five Design Co

High Five Design Co. by Emily Whitish is a design and digital marketing company in Seattle, WA. I specialize in Website Templates for therapists, counselors, and coaches.

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