Five Ways to Connect as a Family

In this post I will discuss five ways you can spend time together as a family to increase connection.

Five Ways to Connect as a Family

Family life is busy to say the least. Between school, work, sports, activities and chores there just doesn’t seem to be much time to really connect with one another. Here are a few ideas that can help you reconnect and enjoy each other.

  1. Go for a family walk

Put the devices away and spend some time outdoors together. Make it a game and look for certain plants, colors, flowers. Have fun!

2. Have regular family dinners

Regular family dinners have been shown to be a great way to reconnect through story telling and checking in with one another. We all have busy schedules, and maybe a daily family meal isn’t in the cards right now. Try for at least once or twice a week. And it doesn't have to be an elaborate meal…you can connect just as easily overtake out. The important thing is sitting down together with undivided attention. Also, it doesn’t have to be dinner if that just doesn't work for your family. Breakfast and lunch works too!

3. Family game night

Set aside an hour or two and play the kid’s favorite games with them. Children often open up when playing games, allowing you into their world. Have fun together!

4. Family movie night

Pop some popcorn and let the kids pick a movie. Family movie night is a great opportunity to snuggle up together, share in an activity together, and relax as a unit. The bonus is many movies lead to great questions and follow-up conversations.

5. Create family traditions

Family traditions don’t have to be elaborate and difficult to pull off. The best ones are often the most simple. For example, donuts on Saturdays, pizza and a movie night, birthday breakfast in bed or hitting up a favorite vacation spot year after year. Traditions bond us closer together and give us something to look forward to.

What is your favorite way to connect as a family?

High Five Design Co

High Five Design Co. by Emily Whitish is a design and digital marketing company in Seattle, WA. I specialize in Website Templates for therapists, counselors, and coaches.

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