Therapy for Anxiety in Houston

Hi, I’m Kristin Cogan, and I’m an Anxiety Therapist.

You may be feeling on edge, panicky, worried constantly, and easily irritated. I understand, and I’m here to help.

I help people find coping strategies that work for them and build healthier habits to live a joy filled life.

If you’re ready to start feeling better, schedule a complimentary consultation with me today.

Kristin Cogan, Texas Anxiety Therapist

What can anxiety therapy help with?

  • Identifying triggers

  • Understanding anxiety

  • Developing coping skills

  • Relaxation techniques

  • Mindfulness

  • Improving self-confidence

  • Setting realistic goals

  • And so much more!

My Approach to Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety can be a truly debilitating experience. It can steep even the most mundane activities in worry and fear, leaving you exhausted, overwhelmed, and wanting to avoid all of it. Symptoms like racing thoughts, restlessness, heart palpitations, and difficulty sleeping can leave you struggling to manage the day-to-day tasks that everyone else seems to tackle without thought. When you have anxiety, regular tasks like grocery shopping, taking a test at school or having a quick talk with your boss can cause added stress and fear that makes your life and emotions - let alone your heart rate - feel impossible to control.

Anxiety is often an invisible burden despite its glaring impact on your life. It can be hard to explain to someone who hasn't experienced what it truly feels like, let alone understand it yourself. It's no wonder anxiety can be so isolating, and spending too much time alone with your spiraling, nagging thoughts only makes them seem louder each time they come back around. 

No matter what shape anxiety takes in your life, it can be downright debilitating. Maybe your worries keep you at night or interfere with your grades. Perhaps your anxiety makes it hard to focus and be the present parent, spouse, or friend you wish you could be.

It's important to know that hope and help are available in finding freedom from anxiety. As your anxiety counselor, I won't just be a trusted person you can release your thoughts to so you can feel temporarily relieved or less alone. I will listen to what's going on in your mind and examine how it's affecting your life to help develop the best strategies to find lasting freedom from anxiety.

In my anxiety counseling practice in Houston, I provide an environment of support, understanding, and accountability for those struggling with anxiety. Together we will develop the skills necessary to manage the sources and symptoms of your anxiety so that you can regain control over your life. We will work together to create healthy boundaries, identify unhelpful thought patterns, explore emotions, and learn coping mechanisms to move forward more easily.

During our anxiety counseling sessions, we can identify triggers and practice responding differently, which will clarify how best to manage these feelings of fear or panic that come with an anxious mental state. This process looks different for everyone because it is tailored to each client's needs and unique circumstances; however, it always involves learning new skills for managing stressors and developing healthier habits that lead to lasting peace of mind and joy in daily living.

I understand that the idea of therapy can be just as daunting as anxiety itself. Still, I also know it's extremely rewarding and worthwhile to have the guidance of a professional with experience managing anxiety disorders. I will be here with you every step of the way, encouraging you along this journey while also holding you accountable for taking action steps towards positive change.

If you are ready to take back control of your life from the grips of anxiety, I invite you to reach out today for a free 15-minute phone consultation. Let's discuss how we can work together to regain your freedom from anxiety!

Anxiety Therapy FAQs

anxiety counseling houston woman smiling
  • Anxiety is a complex emotion that many influences and situations can trigger. It has both physical and mental effects, causing the body to go into fight or flight mode, releasing stress hormones that can make us feel nervous or uncomfortable.

    At the root of anxiety is usually a feeling of not being in control – whether it's over something in our present, future, or even our past. It can come from worrying about what others think of us or from our inner dialogue focused on perfectionism or negative self-talk.

    Genetic factors, environmental factors, and pre-existing conditions such as depression or past trauma can also play a role in its development. Understanding the root of your anxiety can help you overcome it and find peace again.

  • Anxiety can be difficult to experience, as it can trigger intense fear and discomfort. Sometimes, it begins with an overwhelming feeling of dread, like a looming cloud over your head and a tightening in your chest that won't subside. For others, it can feel more like a subtle but pervasive sense of unease that leads to overthinking, rumination, and avoidance. But no matter how strong anxiety comes on, it affects not just one's mental well-being but physical too. From headaches to nausea and dizziness, anxiety makes it hard to stay present in the moment, get restful sleep, or go through daily tasks without excessive self-doubt or nervousness.

  • Everyone experiences feelings of nervousness or fear at one time or another. For those who do not suffer from an anxiety disorder, feelings of anxiousness will generally pass on their own once they have done their job and pushed us into action. However, for those with severe anxiety issues, steps must be taken to address the root cause of their debilitating feelings to move through it and create more harmonious lives. If your anxiety is persistent and unmanageable on your own, know that anxiety is highly treatable with anxiety treatment.

  • High-functioning anxiety is a term used to describe people who appear successful on the outside yet feel intense stress and worry beneath the surface. These individuals may present themselves as confident, capable, and meticulous. Others often identify them as overachievers who excel at life and manage stress just fine.

    Despite their best efforts, however, underneath it all, they feel anxiety in all areas of their life - whether professional or personal; this can manifest as extreme self-doubt, paralyzing perfectionism, or destructive criticism. Seeking professional therapy can play a major role in alleviating many of the worries that plague high-functioning anxiety sufferers.

  • Social anxiety can be difficult to diagnose, as it often manifests in subtle but persistent ways. If you are feeling a sense of self-consciousness or extreme discomfort around other people, it could be a sign of social anxiety. Other common symptoms include increased nervousness in social situations, difficulty speaking up in groups or maintaining eye contact, and avoiding social engagements altogether.

    If you notice any of these signs, it's important to contact someone for support. A professional anxiety counselor can help determine the extent of your social anxiety and provide guidance for managing it moving forward.

Get Help From an Anxiety Therapist

Are you feeling overwhelmed, constantly worried, or trapped in your own head? You're not alone. Anxiety can be an isolating experience, and knowing there is a way out of the fog is important. As someone specializing in anxiety counseling in Houston, I'm here for you and ready to listen without judgment - you don't have to navigate this tricky terrain alone.

Let's get started!