5 Crucial Questions You Need to Ask Before Choosing Your Therapist

Deciding to go to therapy can come with a range of emotions, from excitement about the potential for personal growth to anxiety about finding the "right" therapist. After all, it's not only about finding someone with the qualifications and experience to help you but someone who suits your personality and needs.

In this blog post, we'll explore five crucial questions you should ask before committing to a therapist - helping you find the best match for your path toward mental wellness!

Do All Your Research Before Choosing a Therapist

Therapy is an invaluable investment in your mental health journey. Not to mention an investment of your valuable time, energy, and money. So, of course, you want to ensure you are asking the right questions when choosing a therapist. However, it all starts with asking yourself some questions, too. 

Before you dive into questions for your therapist, make sure you're in touch with your reasons and goals for therapy first. For instance, are you seeking therapy for personal growth or treating a particular condition? 

Knowing what you want from the experience can provide clarity in aligning your goals and finding someone to best support them.

Question 1: Do You Have Experience in Treating My Condition or Helping Clients with Similar Challenges and Goals?

A successful therapy experience for you often starts by understanding a therapist's experience working with others. Therefore, a great place to start is by asking about their background – what kind of experience do they have treating your condition or someone with similar challenges and goals?

Knowing their expertise ahead of time can help you find the best choice for your needs. After all, not all therapists have experience and training in treating every condition.

With a variety of therapeutic backgrounds and approaches, it's possible they haven't had experience helping people with your particular issue or someone with a similar story and outcome in mind as you.

Don't be afraid to discuss your interests and concerns with your potential therapist to help you zero in on the right match for your goals.

Question 2: What Specific Type of Therapy Do You Recommend for Me?

The conversation between therapist and patient should be like a partnership, an equal exchange where both are actively engaged to determine the best course of action. And depending on the reason you're seeking help, there may be specific therapy types that will best fit your individual needs and desired outcomes.

For instance, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a specific type of evidence-based therapy that successfully supports those suffering from trauma. So if that's why you're seeking support, a trained therapist in this specialty is already a great potential match.

Similarly, CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, is a common, goal-oriented form of talk therapy well known for its efficacy in treating anxiety and moderate depression. 

Asking specific questions regarding treatment, whether about therapy types or specific techniques, will help define the expectations up front, saving time and money while also allowing you to ensure the counselor has training in and knowledge on strategies relevant to your individual needs.

Question 3: What is Your Approach to Therapy Like?

Starting therapy is a brave first step but requires finding someone you can trust. Asking your potential therapist what their approach to therapy is like can help ensure that you get the care and support you need.

For instance, do they tend to take more of a directive role with advice-giving? Or do they tend to offer guidance and let their patients do the talking? It might be helpful for some people to have someone directing them to certain paths for healing, while others may prefer taking their time with the process, finding their way through the conversation.

Asking questions about their overall attitude and style will give you an idea of how they will work with you, ensuring their method matches your needs before committing to multiple sessions. But remember that a big part of their approach will depend on your chosen therapy type.

Finally, during your consultation or first appointment, you can also note any other important qualities – do they seem easy to talk to? Do they give off friendly vibes and come across as nonjudgmental? 

Don't hesitate to trust your instincts – if something doesn't feel right, continue your search!

choosing a therapist. Woman sitting alone on couch looking at her laptop.

Question 4: Do You Offer Therapy In-Person or Virtually?

When finding the right therapist for you, you need to know whether they offer therapy that works on your terms. Do you prefer in-person therapy vs. video therapy (teletherapy)?

Find out which they offer and make sure your preference is available to all clients, but also keep in mind that although virtual therapy is becoming more accessible and often more convenient, certain mental health conditions may require more individualized in-person treatment for maximum effectiveness.

Additionally, one benefit of meeting with a therapist in person includes being able to read subtle physical cues that can provide mental health professionals with useful information. Many therapy techniques are also hard to replicate without a human presence. Meeting face-to-face greatly facilitates how effective these techniques might be.

In many cases, it helps to search for a therapist who offers both online and in-person therapy. Doing so allows you to alternate between the two options to fit with your life. 

With many of us busy, video therapy can be an especially convenient option when factors like time and distance make it difficult to meet in person.

While in-person face-to-face interaction may still be preferred by some, having access to both approaches gives the patient more freedom and choice when seeking help.

Whether through virtual or in-person treatment, you can ensure you find the right fit when connecting with a mental health professional once you ascertain what options they offer that will be the most helpful.

Question 5: How Will We Define My Goals and Measure My Progress? 

A great therapeutic partnership requires a solid understanding between client and therapist, especially when setting and measuring goals. Asking your potential therapist how they plan to help you set, achieve, and measure goals can be extremely enlightening.

Not only will this allow you to better understand the dynamics of the therapeutic process and what success looks like within the therapeutic relationship, but it can also help you decide if that particular therapist is a good fit for you.

Your potential therapist should be willing to discuss how they define and measure progress, so understanding their process beforehand can save confusion further into treatment.

When determining whether a therapist is right for you, you want to ensure that they will be invested in helping you reach your objectives and ready to monitor your progress and adjust any strategies as needed. Asking these questions is essential to finding a therapist who will motivate, challenge, and help you overcome whatever challenges you face.

How Can I Tell if My Therapist is the Right Fit? 

If you've had a few sessions with your new therapist and have thoughts or doubts about whether your therapist is the right fit for you, doubts about therapy itself are likely arising too.

In other words, your therapist plays a major role in your therapeutic progress, so it's natural to be overwhelmed by thoughts over who or what could be different.  

Before you get caught up in a cycle of overthinking, remember that it takes time to see progress in therapy. It can be easy to want to give up when we don't see progress after two sessions, but therapy doesn't work like that. Cultivating both change and therapeutic relationships takes time.

If you're having doubts, start by looking honestly at how open or reserved you may be in conversations. If you believe your therapist lacks insight into certain aspects of your life and challenges, don't give up on your therapist just because they can't read your mind.

Whether it's doubts, questions, curiosities about other modalities or techniques, or other things your therapist doesn't know that could give them more context to help you better, challenge yourself to share them before giving up.

All that said, while I encourage you to share your concerns with you therapist before making any decisions, you must find a therapist you click with and who makes you feel comfortable. If this isn't happening for whatever reason, don't forget that it's okay to trust your gut!

Choosing a therapist- Neon sign that reads "this is the sign you've been looking for."

Looking for a Therapist in Texas? Let's See if We're a Match! 

If you're a mom or teen looking for therapy in Texas, there are no strings attached to our first appointment together.

If you are interested in working with me, schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation first.

During your consultation, we will go over your reasons for seeking therapy, as well as scheduling, policies, and payment options, so all your fundamental questions as to whether I'm a good fit for you will be answered before even scheduling a first appointment.

If we both feel this is a good fit, we can get you in the books for your first appointment! 

Your first therapy appointment with me is a two-way discussion – it's important that both of us feel safe, comfortable, and confident about how we can work together toward meaningful growth.

When you're ready, we'll take this opportunity to explore what changes you'd like to see in your life and discover if I'm the right person to help you get there.


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