How to Be Your Best Self in the New Year

New year, new you, right? We've all been there. You set goals at the beginning of January with the best intentions, but somehow by February, you're back to old habits.

If you're tired of making resolutions that you never stick to, maybe it's time to try something different and sustainable. This year, why not focus on becoming your best self? Here are three ideas to get you started.

How to be your best self - anxiety therapy

Give yourself credit where credit is due.

With the new year just around the corner, resolutions and ways to improve yourself and your life may be fresh on your mind. But before you go into the new year already thinking about what you can change, think about what you've already accomplished.

After all, you've made it through another year, and you're still standing. That's something to be proud of, no matter what has happened in the last twelve months.

Maybe you finally finished that book you've meant to read for years. Maybe you didn't get that big promotion you were hoping for, but you took on a new project that brought more joy or purpose to your work.

We're all guilty of focusing on what we didn't accomplish versus what we did. We all lose sight of our accomplishments, getting bogged down by the day-to-day.

But if we step back enough to see the big picture, we can see how far we've come and fuel our motivation for whatever comes next. Spending more time reflecting rather than putting pressure on ourselves to achieve unrealistic expectations will enable us to set goals rooted in what feels good and right to us.

So, this year, make a point to pat yourself on the back every once in a while and soak up all the little wins and moments.

How to be your best self - anxiety therapy

Preserve your time and energy.

What is it about this past year that has left you so depleted? Is there something (or someone) in your life that's been wearing you down? 

Now is an ideal time to take a closer look and pinpoint the sources of your exhaustion.

If you feel overwhelmed or burnt out, it could be because you're trying to do too much, making too many commitments in your work or personal life, and never setting aside time each week for self-care.

Whatever the reason, it's important to learn to set boundaries and stick to them. This means learning to say "no," setting realistic goals for yourself and communicating openly and honestly with the people in your life.

Creating healthy boundaries is a process; it might take trial and error and a few uncomfortable conversations along the way. But your body and mind know when you need a break, so listen. 

This year, consider setting and maintaining boundaries to finally take those breaks and preserve your time and energy to use more of it for yourself! This is how you will show up as your best self in the new year. 

Invest in yourself and your well-being.

If the new year is a time for resolutions and self-improvement, why not resolve to invest in yourself? Trying new things can be scary, but it's also exciting and empowering. Stepping outside your comfort zone can help you learn about who you are, what you enjoy, and what you're capable of.

That said, whatever new thing you do doesn't have to be the most intimidating feat on your bucket list. Investing in yourself doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming, either. It can be as simple as taking a new exercise class – even from the comfort of your living room, or trying a new recipe and sharing it with nobody but yourself!

Another practical way to invest in yourself is to try therapy. Therapy is a space where you can work on all of the above and then some. By providing valuable insights into your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, therapy can help you identify what's getting in the way of becoming your best self in the new year.


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