Teen Therapy in Houston

Kristin Cogan, Texas Therapist for Teens

Hi, I’m Kristin Cogan and I’m a Teen Therapist.

You may be feeling bad about yourself, left out, annoyed or even numb. I understand, and I’m here to help.

I help teens gain a positive attitude toward life and relationships - no more holding back and missing experiences. No more doing things that you don’t want to do, just to fit in. I’ll help you gain the skills to have happy and healthy relationships, both now and in the future.

If you’re ready to start feeling better, schedule a complimentary consultation with me today.

What can teen therapy help with?

  • Managing stress and anxiety

  • Depression

  • Building self-esteem

  • Coping with trauma

  • Communication skills

  • Emotional regulation

  • And so much more!

My Approach as a Teen Therapist

It's no secret that being a teenager is hard. Really hard. You're juggling school, friends, family, and all sorts of other things daily. On top of the pressures to meet the expectations of parents or teachers, you feel the constant pressure from peers to look and act a certain way.

If this is the period of your life when you're supposed to explore your interests and figure out who you are, how in the world are you supposed to do this when the constant comparisons and questions never stop? You may wonder, How do I measure up? What path should I take, and will it lead me where I want to go? When it seems impossible to catch a break from the stress, worries, and fears of failure or inadequacy, teen counseling is an opportunity to hit pause and reset. 

When these thoughts lead to anxiety, sadness, anger, and frustration that affect your focus and happiness, I'm here to remind you that these feelings are normal – although I know saying this doesn't make you feel any less alone in them. And it usually doesn't make them any easier to talk about, either.

The fear of judgment or being misunderstood is already overwhelming, so maybe you bottle it all up until, day by day, everything feels a million times harder. Maybe you avoid school or social situations or beat yourself up because this isn't how life should be - or you're not who you should be.

But no matter how overwhelming, misaligned, and even pointless everything in your life may feel at times, I'm here to tell you that you are exactly where you need to be. All your questions, doubts, stressors, and worries are pivotal points for positive change. At least, that's how I see it.

In our teen therapy sessions, we will take a deep dive into what's going on in your world and your mind to find some balance and alignment. And on the days when you need a break from the heavy stuff, we'll rehash your latest Netflix binge or talk about your weekend plans. I'm here to meet you where you are at every step of this journey, and you set the pace.

I want our teen therapy sessions to be a haven away from the ever-increasing expectation of "success" or "perfection". In a world where it's so difficult just to be yourself, where you feel like you have to prove something, you don't have to prove a thing to me. This time is for you to be you – to figure out who you are and what it means to be happy and content in all aspects of your life.

As an adolescent, the world can seem like a chaotic and overwhelming place. But it's important to know that no matter how tough things may get, this phase of life has so much potential for joy - all you need is some guidance on unlocking it! That's why I offer teen counseling in Houston. Together we'll find ways to confidently tackle any stress and emotions so you can take control of your journey toward fulfillment and start living on your terms.

Being a teenager can be overwhelming and hard to navigate alone. I'm here to help you through these tough times. Let's talk soon and get through this journey together!

For Parents of Teens

It can be overwhelming for teenagers as they navigate tough emotions and difficult relationships, trying to make sense of changing expectations. With teen therapy sessions designed specifically for adolescents, teens gain the invaluable skills they need to help them conquer their anxieties and grow in autonomy so that they're equipped when presented with tricky decisions or peer pressure down the line!

Therapy conversations provide coping strategies and ensure teens feel empowered while out in real-world settings, socially engaging confidently yet safely. If you have any concerns about your teenager's well-being, please don't hesitate to reach out today, and let's talk about how teen counseling can help.

Teen Therapy FAQs

  • Teen Therapy is a specialized form of therapy that considers adolescents' unique needs and development. It provides an environment where teens can express themselves, build trust with their therapist, and start on a path to healing.

    Teen Therapy can guide teenagers through life's challenges, such as stress, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, coping with emotions, and identity formation in a safe and understanding space.

    Through various personalized, evidence-based approaches, teen therapy helps teens develop critical skills necessary for successful navigation through this important stage in life.

  • It can be difficult to know if your teen needs therapy, but there are some warning signs that you can look out for in their behavior, attitude, or routines that may indicate they are struggling. Some of these include changes in eating or sleeping habits, risk-taking behavior, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and isolation.

    If your teen is exhibiting any of these changes, it might be time to consider seeking help from a specialist. Teen Therapy is a safe environment where young people can develop healthier coping skills and self-esteem while learning to manage their emotions effectively.

  • Discussing therapy with your teen can feel intimidating and overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Your teen will likely embrace therapy as a positive experience if you approach the conversation with openness and understanding. It's important to explain that everyone needs help sometimes and that seeking therapy shows courage and strength. Reassure them that teen therapy is designed for their age group to provide judgment-free support as they work through common struggles and experiences.

    With teen counseling, your teen will gain valuable insight into themselves, helping them make healthier decisions for their present and future happiness. With that, make sure you focus on the solution – therapy – rather than the problem. Be sure to help answer their questions and reassure them that they are in control of their therapeutic journey.

  • The best way to support your teen while in therapy is by allowing her to take charge of her self-discovery and healing process. Therapy is a place where your teen can grow, learn and come up with solutions on her own - so let her take the lead!

    That said, you can still encourage your teen to be honest and open with their therapist and create a safe space at home to express herself without fear or judgment. Be available and attentive and empathize when she opens up about their issues or needs help understanding something.

teen counseling houston; smiling teen girl sitting in nature

Get help from a Teen Therapist

With the challenges and confusion clouding your world, this may be hard to see now, but someday, you'll look back on your experiences and be glad you didn't miss out or spend time doing things you never wanted to anyway. Some day, you'll be a confident, self-assured person living a fulfilling life filled with positive relationships, thanks to the skills you developed today in therapy. So hang in there – I promise it can get better. Reach out today, and let's talk about how therapy can help!