
Trauma, Motherhood Kristin Cogan Trauma, Motherhood Kristin Cogan

5 Common Myths About PTSD: What You Need to Know About Trauma and Healing

This blog debunks common myths about PTSD, highlighting that trauma can stem from various experiences, not just life-threatening events, and that recovery is possible through modern therapeutic methods like EMDR and brainspotting. It emphasizes the importance of addressing trauma, even subtly manifested, for improved mental health and parenting.

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Motherhood, Anxiety Jacklynn Crummel Motherhood, Anxiety Jacklynn Crummel

From Anxiety to Assurance: Navigating 'The Talk' with Your Kids

Overcome anxiety and transform "the talk" with your kids into a confident and meaningful conversation. Learn how to address your discomfort and get age-appropriate tips for nurturing open communication. Seek professional guidance at Imperfectly Wonderful Counseling in Texas for anxiety support on this essential parenting journey of talking to your child about sex.

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